5 Things You Didn’t Know About Dentures

If you are missing teeth and are in the market for dentures, you may be wondering what to expect. You probably have a lot of questions, and we hope to answer some of them in this blog post. We will discuss five things that you may not know about dentures. Keep reading to learn more!

Dentures are extremely popular.

Dentures have been around for some time and, consequently, this has made them a popular choice for replacing missing teeth. The American College of Prosthodontics notes that as many as 90% of toothless Americans have dentures. The Oral Health Foundation also notes that in a study spanning over 19 countries, researchers found that as many as one in five people wear some form of denture. With the average lifespan increasing, the Oral Health Foundation estimates that two billion people over the age of 60 will have some form of denture by 2050. This is double the amount of people who use dentures today.

There are different types of dentures.

There are three main types of dentures: complete dentures, partial dentures, and implant-supported dentures.

assorted partial dentures
  • Complete dentures are worn when all of the natural teeth in one or more arches have been lost or removed. Also known as full dentures, they are fabricated to fit over the gums and are held in place by suction. In addition to restoring the teeth, full dentures also provide support to the cheeks and lips.
  • Partial dentures are used to replace a few missing teeth when there are still remaining teeth in the mouth. Partial dentures are usually held in place using metal clasps that are cemented to the backs of teeth. They can also be removable, in which case the metal clasps are not cemented in place.
  • Implant-supported dentures are supported by dental implants, which means they are much more stable than other types of dentures. They are also less likely to move around in the mouth since they are anchored into the jawbone via the implants. There are two types of implant-supported dentures: overdentures & fixed dentures.

Dentures require realignments over time.

Even if your dentures are made to fit perfectly when you first receive them, they will likely need adjustments over time. This is because the gums and jawbone tend to change shape due to bone loss. For this reason, it is important to have regular checkups with your dentist so they can assess the fit of your dentures. Generally speaking, your dentures will need to be relined when you notice that they do not fit as well as they did when you first got them. Denture realignments ensure that your dentures remain as comfortable and functional as possible.

Dentures can be stained over time.

Just like natural teeth, dentures can become stained over time. This is usually the result of eating certain foods or drinking coffee, tea, red wine, or cola. To prevent staining, it is important to brush your dentures regularly with dishwashing liquid and a denture brush. Dentures cannot be whitened like natural teeth and they should never be bleached. If your dentures are stained and are not coming clean, see your dentist for further instructions.

Proper denture care is essential for your oral health.

Just as your natural teeth require care to prevent dental issues, your dentures also require care to prevent complications. One of the most important things to do is keep your dentures clean. They should be cleaned at least once every 24 hours. Dentures that are not cleaned frequently or properly can increase the risk of complications such as denture stomatitis, also known as oral thrush.

In this blog post, we’ve highlighted five things you may not have known about dentures. We hope that after reading this article, you have a better understanding of what to expect if you decide to get dentures. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to help!


intraoral scanner shown inside of mouth

Advantages of Digital Dental Impression Technology

Dental impressions have been an essential part of dental procedures for decades, allowing dentists to accurately and precisely create restorations and orthodontic appliances. However, traditional dental impression techniques have their limitations, including inaccuracies, discomfort for the patient, and time-consuming processes. With the advancements in technology, dental impressions can now be taken digitally, improving the accuracy, efficiency, and comfort for the patient. In this blog post, we will discuss digital dental impression technology and its advantages.

older woman looking in the mirror at her new dentures

How to Adapt to Your New Dentures

Adjusting to life with dentures can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time wearing them. But you don’t need to worry — with some patience and practice, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your new teeth in no time. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the basics of what it takes to adjust to your dentures so that you can start smiling confidently again. From how long it typically takes for a person’s mouth and gums to get used to their new teeth, learning how diet choices affect how well they fit, as well as finding helpful support from fellow denture-wearers along the way – we cover all of this and more!

silver dental inlay on tooth

The Ins and Outs of Inlays and Onlays

If you’re like many people, you may not know the differences between inlays and onlays and when each is used. Whether you need one or both of these treatments—or neither at all—will depend upon your specific dental needs. We want to make sure that everyone understands what exactly an inlay or onlay does for their teeth, so here’s everything you need to know about these restorative procedures.

Happy Dentist's Day

Happy Dentist’s Day

Happy National Dentist’s Day! Today is a day to celebrate all the hardworking dentists out there who help us keep our teeth clean and healthy. Whether you love going to the dentist or not, we should all be thankful for the expert care they provide. Dentistry is an important part of health care, and regular dental exams are key to maintaining good oral and overall health. Thanks for reading and celebrating National Dentist’s Day with our dentists!


Through our network of experienced dentists, we provide the best available treatment for teeth replacement by using state-of the-art technology